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命を守る支援待つ子ども、90万人 ユニセフ、年内の必要資金7,000万米ドルを要請

【2019年8月20日  ニューヨーク/パナマ発】



On 25 July 2019, Petare Community, Caracas, Venezuela.  9-year-old Duglianis González Sánchez brother, Luis Alfredo Celis (6) makes his homework in their house in the community of Petare, Caracas, Venezuela.  Water, sanitation and hygiene are essential for the survival and development of children and their families. In the most vulnerable communities of Venezuela, access, quantity, continuity and water quality are the main concerns. This situation is aggravated with the power outages in recent months. One of such communities is Petare, located in the outskirts of Caracas, the capital city. “If it rains, we grab rainwater. Sometimes the water comes clean and sometimes it comes dirty. We collect it from the pipes, and I help my dad to carry it into the house so we can store it in a tank,” explains proudly 9-year-old Duglianis González Sánchez. “We boil it and then we can drink it.”  Duglianis has lively eyes and a radiant smile. She lives with her siblings and parents in a building in one of the sectors of the Petare neighborhood, known as Cacagüita.  Pumping system of El Carmen and Urbina, which provide running water to 65 percent of the Cacagüita sector, are currently being repaired. In the meantime, the Municipal Institute of Water of Sucre is responsible for supplying the water trucks, while UNICEF ensures water chlorination. In coordination with water authorities and partners, ensuring access to clean and safe water for children and families is a top priority for UNICEF.   Together with national and local authorities, UNICEF's work will gradually allow the rehabilitation of underground and surface water sources, the repair of distribution networks and pipelines, the distribution of water at strategic points such as hospitals and the rehabilitation of pumping stations in the country. As part of an agreement with the Ministry of Water, UNICEF is working on expanding the supply of safe drinking water through systems repair and extension, water-tru

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  • 80万人が、安全な飲料水を利用できるようにする
  • ワクチンを安全に運ぶためのコールドチェーンの整備を継続する
  • 120万人以上の5歳未満の子どもたちに、はしかの予防接種を行う
  • 7,000人の5歳未満の子どもたちに、深刻あるいは中度の栄養不良に対する治療を提供する
  • 4歳から18歳の子どもたち68万人へ、教育資材を届ける
  • 21万6,000人の子どもたちに、保護と心理社会的支援を行う
  • 17万人の妊婦および新生児に、保健支援を提供する



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