
コミュニティの理解と取り組み重要 コミュニティワーカーによる啓発強化

【2018年5月18日  キンシャサ(コンゴ民主共和国)/ダカール(セネガル)/ジュネーブ / ニューヨーク発】



On 12 May 2018 in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), health workers get ready to attend to suspected Ebola patients in Bikoro Hospital, the epicenter of the latest outbreak in the DRC.  The DRC has experienced nine known Ebola outbreaks. Following the announcement by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) on 8 May 2018 of a new Ebola outbreak in Equateur Province, UNICEF has mobilised its teams to help contain the spread of the disease. The outbreak was declared in the Bikoro Health Zone, located more than 100 kilometers south of the provincial capital of Mbandaka. A UNICEF team with two doctors, a specialist in water, sanitation and hygiene as well as a specialist in community communication left today from Mbandaka to assess the extent of the epidemic and begin implementing the response, alongside the Government and the World Health Organization (WHO). This is the ninth Ebola outbreak in the country since 1976. UNICEF supports the Government in its coordination of the response both from the country’s capital Kinshasa as well as in the affected area. UNICEF has been active in the Equateur Province for many years. Based on its experience in previous Ebola epidemics, UNICEF is focusing its response on communication activities in the communities to protect people from the disease and on water supply, hygiene and sanitation to prevent the spread of the disease. UNICEF has already sent a total of 45 kg of chlorine, five sprays, 50kg of soap and 28,000 water purification tablets to the area, as well as 600 posters and 6,000 leaflets to educate affected communities.

© UNICEF/UN0209048/Naftalin


ビコロ(Bikoro)と ムバンダカ(Mbandaka)の保健地域で活動するコミュニティワーカーは、ラジオ、宗教施設、市場、学校や若者組織を通じた情報配信を含めた、啓発キャンペーン、住民の動員およびコミュニティの関与を通して、 集団発生の拡大を防ぐ支援を行っていきます。






