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2014年以降の学校襲撃、1500校 ユニセフ・ナイジェリア事務所声明

【2017年11月30日  アブジャ(ナイジェリア)発】


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Children attend class in a temporary learning space in Muna Garage IDP camp, in Maiduguri, Nigeria, 29 September 2017. For more than 8-years, Boko Haram related violence has devastated the lives of families and in particular children across northeast Nigeria. Nearly 1 million children have been displaced by the crisis and around 20,000 people killed, amid horrific violations of child rights. Children who have been killed, maimed and abducted, widespread sexual violence and the forcible recruitment of women and children as ‘human bombs’.  Attacks on children, as well as children forced to carry out attacks, are so common that they are almost expected or accepted as part of the conflict.  UNICEF’s Deputy Executive Director, Justin Forsyth, visits Maiduguri, northeast Nigeria, from 27 September to 29 September 2017. On the trip, Forsyth visited a UNICEF supported clinic, providing inpatient therapeutic care in Maiduguri town. The clinic is providing critical support to children affected by severe acute malnutrition, including an intensive care unit. With Maiduguri hosting so many displaced persons, there is a serious strain on health services. Forsyth met a one month old boy who had been left in a bag by the roadside. Some people thought the baby was a bomb. However, Aisha a mother of seven other children realized it was a baby and rushed the boy, who is now named Mohamed, to the clinic. She is now the surrogate mother.    Banki on the border with Cameroon, has been almost been completely destroyed and now houses thousands of displaced persons who have gathered at a camp for their own safety and to access basic services. In Banki, Forsyth went to a UNICEF supported primary health care clinic that is helping to treat children with severe acute malnutrition, saving many lives. He also sat in on a class at a temporary school set up to provide some opportunities for children to resume school and have some fun again. The three schools in the town were destroyed

© UNICEF/UN0126508/Bindra


今日、ボルノ州Kuaya kusarで小学校が攻撃され、無惨にも子どもたち2人が殺され、2人がけがを負いました。これは卑劣極まりない行為です。このような凶悪で意図的な暴力で、子どもたちの命が奪われた時、特に本来子どもたちが安全で危険から守られているはずの学校で起きた時、私たちは言葉を失います。


ナイジェリアは、紛争時に学校や大学を攻撃や軍事使用から保護するためのガイドラインの実施を約束する『Safe Schools Declaration(安全な学校宣言)』に署名しています。ユニセフはすべての紛争当事者に対して、民間施設である学校や病院を尊重し、子どもに対するいかなる暴力も停止するよう求めます。



口座名義:公益財団法人 日本ユニセフ協会

*公益財団法人 日本ユニセフ協会への寄付金には、特定公益増進法人への寄付として、所得税、相続税、法人税の税制上の優遇措置があります。また一部の自治体では、個人住民税の寄付金控除の対象となります。

