受付中の緊急募金 >>ロヒンギャ難民 l シリア l 自然災害 l アフリカ栄養危機 l 人道危機 l 過去の緊急募金報告 l

ボコ・ハラムに拉致された子ども1,000人超 ユニセフ、子どもたちの解放を訴え続ける

【2018年4月13日  アブジャ(ナイジェリア)/ ダカール(セネガル)/ ニューヨーク発】



[TREATED PHOTO] On 17 March, Alia, 10, covers her face with a folder while standing in front of a wall mural of an aeroplane, in a camp for internally displaced people, in Yola, the capital of Adamawa, a state in the country’s north-east. When she still lived in her hometown, in the Local Government Area of Michika, word came on a Friday that members of the Boko Haram rebel group had attacked neighbouring villages. On the next day, the men arrived in her town. Her father was killed, but she, together with her mother and other family members, managed to flee to the town of Mubi, leaving all their belongings behind, but three months later, that town also came under attack. They then fled across the border to neighbouring Cameroon before slowly making their way back to Nigeria and ending up in the displacement camp in Yola, where Alia is attending a UNICEF-supported school. Her mother suffered from high blood pressure and diabetes before the attacks, and now she is very sick, adding to Alia’s worries. Alia misses her father and her friends, and she is scared that attacks will occur again, but she refuses to give up hope. “I want to be a nurse,” she said. “I want to help people.” The folder Alia is holding bears the UNICEF logo.In March 2015 in Nigeria, 15.5 million people, including 7.3 million children, are affected by the continuing crisis in the country’s north-eastern region. More than 1.2 million Nigerians have fled their homes as a result of violence and attacks by Boko Haram insurgents that have escalated since the beginning of 2015. Many of the displaced, most of whom are children and women, are sheltering with in host communities that have limited resources, and in formal and informal camps. All are in urgent need basic supplies, health and nutrition services, and critical water sanitation and hygiene support to prevent the spread of disease. Over 150,000 people,– the vast majority children and women – have also fled to neighbouring Cameroon,

© UNICEF/UN0144139/Esiebo






ナイジェリア当局は、学校をより安全に、また攻撃に対してより強靭なものにする決意を表明しています。ナイジェリアが署名した、武力紛争時に学校や大学を攻撃や軍事使用から保護することを約束する『安全な学校宣言(Safe Schools Declaration)』の実行を、ユニセフは支えていきます。



口座名義:公益財団法人 日本ユニセフ協会

*公益財団法人 日本ユニセフ協会への寄付金には、特定公益増進法人への寄付として、所得税、相続税、法人税の税制上の優遇措置があります。また一部の自治体では、個人住民税の寄付金控除の対象となります。

