2007年 |
(Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse)』
Art.20 2.For the purpose of the present article, the term “child pornography” shall mean any material that visually depicts a child engaged in real or simulated sexually explicit conduct or any depiction of a child’s sexual organs for primarily sexual purposes.
全文はこちら » |
2008年11月 |
Child pornography/child abuse images
(4) Criminalize the intentional production, distribution, receipt and possession of child pornography, including virtual images and the sexually exploitative representation of children, as well as the intentional consumption, access and viewing of such materials where there has been no physical contact with a child, legal liability should be extended to entities such as corporations and companies in case the responsibility for or involvement in the production and/or dissemination of materials.
全文はこちら » |
2009年5月 |
国際NGO “Equality Now”
日本製のレイプシュミレーションPCゲームの販売停止を日本政府等に要望(イクオリティ・ナウ 女性アクション33.1)
詳細はこちら » |
2009年5月 |
Department of Justice, Iowa Man Pleads Guilty to Possessing Obscene Visual Representations of the Sexual Abuse of Children (Wednesday, May 20, 2009)
詳細はこちら » |
2009年8月 |
35. 委員会は、(中略)女性や女児への強姦、集団暴行、ストーカー行為、性的暴行などを内容とするわいせつなテレビゲームや漫画の増加に表れている締約国における性暴力の常態化に懸念を有する。委員会は、これらのテレビゲームや漫画が「児童買春・児童ポルノ禁止法」の児童ポルノの法的定義に該当しないことに懸念をもって留意する。
全文(日本語)はこちら »
35. While the Committee welcomes legislative measures taken against child prostitution, such as the revision of the Act Banning Child Prostitution and Child Pornography which increased the maximum term of imprisonment for offences committed under this legislation, the Committee is concerned at the normalization of sexual violence in the State party as reflected by the prevalence of pornographic video games and cartoons featuring rape, gang rape, stalking and the sexual molestation of women and girls. The Committee notes with concern that these video games and cartoons fall outside the legal definition of child pornography in the Act Banning Child Prostitution and Child Pornography.
全文(英語)はこちら »
2009年9月16日 |
第12回 国連人権理事会 『児童の売買特別報告者のレポート』
(iii) Criminalize the production, distribution, intentional receipt and possession of child pornography, including virtual images and representations that exploit children, as well as the acts of intentionally using, accessing and watching such material even in the absence of any physical contact with the child;
2009年11月 |
“Hentai, the Japanese pornographic cartoon that depicts children in explicit sexual activity, is considered child pornography material and one may be severely penalized by just mere possession of it.”
法案提出時の発表 »
(2009年6月 毎日新聞社のインタビューに答えて)
(2009年10月 「子どもたちの前進」発表会場で、記者の質問に答えて・朝日新聞他で報道)