A message to UNICEF supporters in Japan
From UNICEF Executive Director Ann M. Veneman
In September 2008, UNICEF released new figures showing the annual deaths of children under five declining to about 9.2 million, a continuous downward trend from previous years. Recent data also indicate encouraging improvements in many of the basic health interventions, such as early and exclusive breast-feeding, measles immunization, Vitamin A supplementation, the use of insecticide-treated nets to prevent malaria, and prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS.
While progresses have been made, natural disasters like massive floods and drought, typhoons, conflicts, and poverty have threatened children’s lives and many challenges still remain to be tackled.
There are only 7 years left until 2015, the target date for the fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals. We are running out of time, but these goals are attainable if we unite together. In 2009, under the banner ‘Unite for Children’, UNICEF will do its best to protect the rights and well-being of children to meet the MDGs.
We owe these achievements and progress mainly to the generous donations from UNICEF supporters in Japan through the Japan Committee for UNICEF. We appreciate your continued support and contribution to UNICEF and JCU throughout the New Year.
Ann M. Veneman
Executive Director
United Nations Children’s Fund